From Lavinia's Library: a bibliography of mind/body/psyche

 Please note: these are not in alphabetical order.                       

                        Anatomy and Mind/Body/Spirit Bibliography   
                             from the library of Lavinia Magliocco

A Trail Guide to the Body, Andrew Biel -  workbook for body-work. Clear drawings and easy to read/use explanations of basic anatomy: muscle origins, insertions, actions.

Job’s Body - Deane Juhan - a fascinating read about the importance of touch in our psycho-neuro-physical-emotional development.  Detailed neuroanatomy in readable prose.

The Psoas Book, Liz Koch - a comprehensive guide to the Iliopsoas muscle and its profound influence on the body, mind, and emotions.
Core Awareness, Liz Koch - more exercises and writing about the core.

What the Foot, Gary Ward. Everything you’ve learned about anatomy may not be actually true. Ward challenges many assumptions in his practical, ground-breaking, and paradigm-shifting book. Plus, he’s a super chill guy, a very humble, patient teacher. His Anatomy In Motion workshops are life-changing. 

The Thinking Body, Mabel Todd - written in 1937, this is a seminal book. Mabel Todd was a pioneer in the field of conscious movement and dance. A wonderful read.

Taking Root To Fly,  Irene Dowd - A choreographer, dancer, and student of neuroanatomy, Dowd takes you through exercises, visualizations, and discussions aided by some beautiful sketches.

Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow, Ray Long - this entires series of books, Anatomy For......, is a most stunningly illustrated collection of books with anatomical drawings of asanas. Expensive but worth it! Start with the Vinyasa Flow, and add to your library as you are able: Backbends, Arm Balances, Standing Poses, etc. These are a great way to enhance your inner vision of your body's complex muscle structures.

Pelvic Power,  Eric Franklin
Relax Your Neck, LIberate Your Shoulders, Eric Franklin
Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery,  Eric Franklin   - Franklin continues the work of kinetic consciousness using imagery to stimulate efficient movement.  All volumes include exercises.

The Four Hour Body, Timothy Ferriss - Ferriss uses all the resources he can get his hands on - which are pretty formidable - to prove the most effective/efficient workout and diet possible. Great photos and some solid advice.

Somatics, Thomas Hanna - a pioneer in sensory re-education, this book includes exercises and explanations of how the fight/flight response modifies structure and movement.

Smart Moves: Why Learning Is Not All in Your Head, Carla Hannaford - the author is a neurophysiologist and educator. She explores the body's role in thinking and learning, emphasizing sensorimotor experiences as keys to memory and learning.

Emotional Anatomy, Stanley Keleman - more psychological (Reichian) approach to the human body. How certain responses become physical postures. Fascinating.

Anatomy Trains,  Thomas W. Myers - expensive, but well worth it for those who are really curious and into understanding the deep relationships within the human structure. This is hard core fascial anatomy. But don’t be intimidated.  This is a lifetime read.

Human Energy, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin -  Chardin is a Catholic hermeticist priest who knew about Qi, in his own way.

The Healing Promise of Qi - Creating Extraordinary Wellness Through QiGong and Tai Chi, Roger Jahnke - Exercises and view teachings on QiGong

The Healer Within - Using Traditional Chinese Treatments to Release Your Body’s Own Medicine, Roger Jahnke - more QiGong, Chinese medicine, view teachings, exercises.

Eastern Body, Western Mind,  Anodea Judith - Psychology and the Chakra system as a path to Self.

The Web that Has No Weaver. Ted J. Kaptchuk - a classic text on Traditional Chinese Medicine views. This book was a paradigm-changer for many people. Worth reading. And if you like this……

Nourishing Destiny,  Lonny Jarrett - A fascinating read on the Five Element practice of TCM, which combines a kind of psycho-physical approach to treatment.

Structural Yoga Therapy,  Mukunda Stiles - a guidebook for practical use of yoga asanas.

The Path to Holistic Health,  B.K.S. Iyengar - the definitive illustrated guide; asanas for specific problems. A must read.

Anatomy of Hatha Yoga, H. David Coulter - a detailed manual of yoga anatomy for students, teachers, and practitioners.  

Yoga Anatomy, Leslie Kaminoff - illustrated guide to asanas with muscle overlay and wonderful explanations. A great guide for those who are just starting their journey into serious anatomy.

Pilates Body in Motion, Alycea Ungaro - clear well-written text and explanations with fotos; practices for beginning, intermediate, and advanced mat work.
Skin of Glass, Finding Spirit in the Flesh, Dunya Dianne McPherson - a personal journey of dance as spiritual practice from ballet to Sufi ecstatic dance

Wisdom Comes Dancing - Selected Writings on Dance, Spirituality, and the Body,  Ruth St Denis - poet, dancer, educator, visionary, these writings are inspirational.

Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, Eckhart Tolle - this book will bring you as close to a glimpse of satori as any book can

Love and the World, Robert Sardello - A beautiful read on spiritual psychology that includes embodiment, both gross and etheric.

Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality - Anthony de Mello - Incisive prose on staying awake and watching the ways our ego co-opts spontaneity and freedom. Try also his The Way to Love.

The Subtle Body, Cyndi Dale - a comprehensive encyclopedia of subtle body systems, including Kabbalah, TCM, Ayurveda, etc.

Touching Enlightenment: Finding Realization in the Body, Reginald Ray. How and why Enlightenment is not just a mental construct but an embodied experience.

Pilgrims to Openness, Shambhavi Saraswati, View teachings from the tradition of Tantra (Kashmir) Shaivism, or answers to many questions. These teachings are similar to Dzogchen Buddhism.

The Myth of Freedom, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. If you think you know what freedom is, read this. Tibetan Buddhism teachings made accessible to westerners by one of TB's great Crazy Wisdom teachers. Read also his
Work, Sex, &a Money.

Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, by Sogyal Rinpoche. What is death? What is the nature of consciousness? Tibetan yogis have entertained and studied these questions for over 5000 years. Once again these precious teachings have made their way to the west and are made accessible through Rinpoche's translation.

Spacious Body, & Embodied Being, & Zen and The Body, Jeffrey Maitland. Maitland was a philosophy professor turned Buddhist monk and Structural Integration practitioner. His books are extremely heady, but worth reading. Sadly, he’s developed Parkinsons Disease and no longer practices. He is, however, a powerful practitioner.

The Feeling of What Happens,  &
Looking For Spinoza, 
Both by psycho-neuro-immunologist Antonio Damasio, whose first stroke of genius is a complete rejection of Descarte’s famous but completely idiotic statement (Cogito ergo sum, or I Think, therefore I am.) Damasio rightly champions Greek philosopher Spinoza, who said “I feel therefore I am.” Damasio explores the interconnection of human consciousness, sense of self, immunology, and neurology.

In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts, &
When The Body Says No
Both by Gabor Mate, a Canadian physician expert on addictions as well as a researcher into persistent diseases. Both fascinating reads. The latter examines how our psychoneuroimmunological responses often speak for us when we cannot.

The Way of the Human, Developing Multi-dimensional Awareness, Volume 1, Stephen Kolinsky. What does it mean to be fully human? Notes, exercises, and spiritual direction from the founder of Quantum Psychology. 

The Brain’s Way of Healing, Norman Doidge, MD. This is Doidge’s second volume on neuroplasticity. It is a must-read for those with Parkinson’s, MS, Traumatic Brain Injury, and other neurological challenges. 

The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel Van Der Kolk - this is becoming THE text on trauma and psychoneuroimmunology, continuing the work of people like Antonio Damasio, Gabor Mate, and Candace Pert. 

Dying To Be Me, Anita Moorjani - an account of death from cancer and return to life. 

Radical Wholeness: The embodied Present and the Ordinary Grace of Being, Philip Shepherd - how our culture makes us blind to inherent wholeness of experience and how to return to awareness of wholeness.

New Self, New World: Recovering Our Senses in the Twenty-first Century, Philip Shepherd - more about uniting the inherent intelligence of the body and how consciousness is ubiquitous, not just located in the human cranium.
Molecules of Emotion, Candace Pert - she is now being called the “mother of psychoneuroimmunology,” her ground-breaking book revealed the interdependence of the endocrine, nervous, and immune systems through research on endorphins and their effect on the brain. 

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